Saturday, September 23, 2006

The Caulkin-Groansberg logo

In this Kaulkin-Ginsberg Report we will discuss the intricacies of a criminal organization we know of and refer to as Caulkin-Groansberg.

Here is their logo.

Kaulkin Groansberg has been around for a long time now, working to bring at least some modicum of respectability to the criminals who pay big bucks for whatever protection and benefits Kaulkin-Groansberg can con them into believeing they will receive as a result of membership in their criminal organization.

Kaulkin-Groansberg vainly attempts to convince our police and other governmental agencies into accepting them as respectable members of our society.

The unfinished square in the logo is obviously a reference to the fact that the organizations of criminals, like it's slimeball members started out as nothing but criminals and will end up still being nothing but criminals.